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The artificial Wetland is located on the territory of the Bushtyno community, near the village of Krychevo, Tyachiv district, Transcarpathia region. The area of ​​the Wetland is 4.55 hectares, the area of ​​the adjacent area is 2.18 hectares.

Currently, the Wetland is in an abandoned state, although located in a unique place.

The main idea of ​​returning the Wetland to its proper condition is to first clean the bottom of the Wetland, repair the entrance and exit locks, improve the Wetland shore, equip the Wetland shore, equip several reaction areas for tourists, a small open-air information center for tourists to Transcarpathia.

The next step should be stocking the pond, creating conditions for sport fishing and the development of fishing.

Install several camping modular buildings on the adjacent territory and further use this town as a center of tourism in the Tereblyanska valley, as this area is located at a short distance from the famous in Transcarpathia, and not only tourism facilities such as Kolochava, where a monument to the Czech writer Albright have been erected, the Transcarpathian Biosphere Reserve with a karst bridge and stalactite caves, the Menchul mountain meadow, the salty Solotvyno wetlands, and the thermal waters of Veliatyn.

The idea of ​​building a bicycle path from the main road to the Wetland about six kilometers long is very attractive, which will provide an opportunity for the development and promotion of cycling tourism.

Next to the Wetland there is a project for the construction of a sanatorium, which in the future will be able to provide rehabilitation for the military and children affected by the war.

A well, was also drilled nearby,150 m deep, with healing water used to treat the human musculoskeletal system. It is possible to build a modular room for wellness and therapeutic baths.

On the site can be laid ski and biathlon trails for skiing for children and adults, holding competitions.

The purpose of the project: fertilization and restoration of the ecological state of the environment; promotion of green tourism and tourism in general; development of fishing sports; creation of new jobs; holding festivals (if it is possible); strengthen cooperation in the field of culture and education with neighboring countries; to promote the acquaintance of the inhabitants of Transcarpathia with their ancient rites and cultural heritage; to promote skiing and cycling; give people the opportunity to rest well and restore health.

All the infrastructure of the above, when installing solar panels, can be provided with autonomous electricity, as the area is located in an open, well-lit by the sun, place.

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